The Summer Vacation from the Black Lagoon/ ; By Thaler, Mike

Format:Everybody loves the last day of school, but few realize the dangers of the first day of summer.
Publisher:New York: Scholastic Inc.;
Record No.:240728
Type/Format Call Number Location Due Date Last Seen Barcode
02. English Fiction F THA Bloomfield Elementary School 2022-04-12 BESX096353
02. English Fiction F THA Queen Elizabeth Elementary School 2018-05-24 QEES21887
02. English Fiction F THA St. Louis Elementary School 2017-06-15 STLS9524
02. English Fiction F THA Queen Elizabeth Elementary School 2017-03-14 QEES16766
02. English Fiction F THA Cardigan Consolidated School 2016-09-23 CARD14301
02. English Fiction F THA Mt. Stewart Consolidated School 2015-06-18 mscs16616